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classics illustratedの例文


  • It was dropped from the reorder list for Classics Illustrated in 1954.
  • The result is a touch of Classics Illustrated airiness.
  • There were also " Classics Illustrated"
  • A second series, " Classics Illustrated Deluxe ", features many French artists.
  • August could have used panels from the Classics Illustrated comic book version of the tale for storyboards.
  • "I now have every Classics Illustrated except one, " he said with pride.
  • The company's final major project was a revival of " Classics Illustrated ".
  • His major project was the painted cover and complete interior art for " Classics Illustrated"
  • In 1953, " Classics Illustrated Junior " debuted with fairy tale adaptations for the younger set.
  • Issue 12 of " Classics illustrated " fleshed out the Rip Van Winkle story with dialogue & incidents.
  • Writer Doug Moench greatly improved on the " Classics Illustrated " script while Sonny Trinidad produced new artwork.
  • After EC, he contributed to Gilberton's " Classics Illustrated ", Dell and Gold Key.
  • "' Arabian Nights "'is the 8th issue of Classics Illustrated, created by Albert Kanter.
  • Very little is documented about Bagley other than he was an avid collector of " Classics Illustrated ".
  • The art was by Alex Blum, who drew many other issues of the " Classics Illustrated " series.
  • After the closure of Star, Cole continued doing cover illustrations, many for " Classics Illustrated Junior ".
  • Unlike the more prestigious commercial wine competitions and auctions, the annual Home Winemakers Classic illustrates the scrappy nature of home winemaking.
  • The story was also illustrated and published in comic book form by " Classics Illustrated " in 1943 and 1957.
  • "A Study in Scarlet " was illustrated by Seymour Moskowitz for " Classics Illustrated " comics in 1953.
  • He was a leading illustrator on " Edicao Maravilhosa ", the Brazilian version of " Classics Illustrated ".
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